Digitizing Oil & Gas

AutoMTO - Digitizing P&ID

Efficiently and accurately parse P&ID diagrams using AutoMTO.

  • Generate 100% accurate MTOs from P&IDs within minutes. This enables EPCs to be more efficient during the bidding phase. With this you are able to bid for bigger projects. Also, your bid stays competitive as you are able to generate MTOs more accurately and in lesser time.
  • With our proprietary revision management feature, we enable you to trace changes and manage revisions seamlessly.
  • We generate a knowledge graph using your legacy data and enable you to then query this digital repository for relevant information.



100% accuracy in MTO generation

With AutoMTO, generate 100% accurate MTOs and increase cost estimations and thus profitability.

No human error

Reduction of risk be removing the human factor in the process of generating an MTOs.

Digitizing legacy P&IDs

Digitize your legacy P&IDs and transform them into a queryable repository and get depth analysis of past decisions and costs

Competitive bidding

With AutoMTO the estimation of cost improves, getting lean to zero buffers, while submitting competitive bids during proposal.

70% Reduction in Cost

With AutoMTO, the cost reduction is about 70% from the legacy setting of generating manual MTOs